Hey there! This is my review blog, which is Definitely Not a Library.
I’m not entirely sure where I’m going with this. I just
wanted to start sharing my thoughts about the different books, movies, etc,
that currently control my life. I guess I think I have interesting opinions or
something? But yeah, these probably won’t always be the newest things out there
because I be broke, but I don’t really mind. That's all I got for now on what what's going to be here. I'll have a more comprehensive post about it later after I figure a few things out.
Oh, and it won’t always just be me, hopefully. If anyone has
a review they would like to have here, just let me know. But at least wait
until I have one of my own up. Which should be relatively soon. I’ll be
reviewing Memoirs of a Geisha. The
book, although I may include a comparison to the movie.
This blog is NOT spoiler-free.
Thanks! See ya around.
Oh, and if you want to see more stuff I like, feel free to check out my Tumblr:
Please note that this is my personal Tumblr and I reblog whatever I want.
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