Monday, April 7, 2014

Movie Review: Pacific Rim

Review by BekahBeth

(BTW this review is kinda just something I threw together so I could jumpstart this blog. I have other, better ones brewing)

Don’t look at me like that. It had to be done. Anyone who has known me recently knows that I have finally seen this movie and I have fallen hard. However, there are probably many people who are reading this (as if many people read this, hah) who have already seen Pacific Rim and love it. So I’ll keep this short and sweet.

Pacific Rim triggers my happy thoughts. I don’t know why. It’s sort of a ridiculous movie. Giant aliens fighting giant robots? Come on. When I first saw the trailer for the movie I thought “Oh that looks cool, but it’s probably going to end up being stupid.” So many of these movies end up being cheesy and dumb and just don’t work.

I don’t really know what it is about this movie, but it just works. And it works well. There are characters with stories and personality, the plot is believable and intelligent, and the pacing is pretty good. There are huge fight scenes, but it’s not like Man of Steel where the fight scenes went on for too long and caused an unnecessary amount of destruction (I mean really. Was it actually necessary for them to fight in space and destroy a satellite?). They even manage to throw some humor into the fight scenes to break them up and keep it peppy. This movie really didn't take itself too seriously, which is probably why it wasn't utterly ridiculous.

Also, is it too late to get mad about the fact that Pacific Rim wasn’t nominated for an Oscar for their graphics? Because that crap is GORGEOUS. My brother made the point that he was disappointed when he saw the movie because he realized he would never have a screen big enough or sound system good enough to really enjoy it as much as he saw it in theaters. I agree to an extent, but I saw it on a fairly decent sized screen that was high def and the DVD was Blu-Ray, and I think it worked. I do really need to buy the soundtrack though.

It’s not perfect of course. There were several characters that I wish were more developed. The Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon pilots, for instance. I saw so much love for the Russians online, but I can’t even recall their names and the guy had no lines at all. And I saw the three arms on Typhoon and was excited to see them in battle. They made those two sound like they were so great and so strong, but I feel like they got defeated too easily. It was less than impressive.

Oh and I guess the acting isn't exactly spectacular. Charlie Hunam is great and all, but he sort of overdid it at times. But I mean…does it really matter? The answer is no. No it does not.

There also definitely needed to be more swords. But...that's a personal thing. Swords + Giant Robots = Instant Awesome for me. Like I said, this movie just triggered my happy thoughts. Whenever I saw the giant Kaiju or Jaeger, I just started smiling. I watched it with a fourteen year old girl and she was hiding behind a pillow during the fight sequences, but I was leaning forward on the couch saying "coooooooool" and "awesome!" I am such a five year old.

Also, I just wanted to say that when I saw it I was staying with a family I know and the husband had left with their son so it was just me, the wife, and their daughter. When the men go away, the women will play. By watching a movie about robots and aliens. They even said it was more their kind of movie than the guys'. So guys and girls will enjoy this movie.

The best review I heard was that this is the movie that Michael Bay always thinks he’s making. And that pretty much says it all. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Definitely Not Dead

Fear not.

I have not forsaken this project like so many before it. I have simply become busy in my life and am trying to figure out a schedule by which I can get everything done that I want to/need to.

In the (very) near future, I hope to at least have one blog post a week. Once I am handling that, we'll see how it goes from there.

As usual, I am open to any guest submissions you want to give me. I'll even take a recommendation for a book to read or movie to watch!

Thanks. See you soon

<3 BekahBeth